Usual stats from Board Games Stats app. At some point stopped playing a lot on Yucata. No live plays this year. So numbers dropped considerably again. I have only tried a few new games at the very beginning of 2021, but they didn’t grab me, so not many plays and not enough to review even. Based on number of plays i have cooled down on Oracle of Delphi and Firenze. But they still are my favorite games, just less desire to play anything this year 🙂
General stats:
- Plays: 46 (-61)
- Games: 18 (-10)
- Players: 41 (-59), 99% Yucata, a few games on BGA
- Locations: 2 (-) (Yucata and Board Game Arena)
- H-index: 4 (-1) (x games played at least x times)
Most played games:
- Rajas of the Ganges: 7 (-5)
- The Oracle of Delphi: 6 (-15)
- Thunderstone: 5 (-4)
- Cacao: 4 (-1)
- Firenze: 3 (-15)
- Hadara: 3 (new)
- Zooloretto: The Dice Game: 3 (-1)
- Las Vegas: 2 (-1)
- Res Arcana: 2 (new)
- Santiago de Cuba: 2 (new)
Favorite player count: 2 (no change 🙂 )
Games played live: 0 (-6)