Top 10 Best games (v2017) [EN]

As usual as the year comes to an end i present a renewed list of my all time favorite games. Though Top 10 hasn’t changed that much, but the list of played games grows every year. This time i gave a try to Pub Meeple’s board games rating system. Which shows you a few games from your list and you have to pick which of two is your favorite and it slowly builds your list this way. This year there was 91 game on the list. Maybe next year i will be able to do Top 100 🙂

10. Santiago de Cuba (new) – i’ve been playing this game for maybe 5 years, but only recently i started to appreciate it more, so it managed for the first time get to Top 10. Simple euro style game, in which you constantly have to decide whether to benefit you or harm your opponent 🙂

9. Cacao (+1) – last year it has dropped one step and now it is back to 9th place. Mostly because of new expansions that have appeared in Yucata. Which was a refreshing wind for this simple, but pleasant euro game.

8. Guildhall (new) – new game i have experienced this year and already managed to get its spot in Top 10. Unique and interesting card game with some interaction and often unexpected ending.

7. Carcassonne (-3) – an old classic on my list, dropped a bit as i haven’t played it that much this year. But i remember the last play of it, when i managed to steal a win with a huge farms score 🙂

6. Ticket to Ride (-) – the thing that it hasn’t changed it spot only shows that this game will always has a place in my collection and will be high on the list. One of the best “gateway” games to introduce new players to the hobby and lure them into modern board gaming world.

5. Small World (-1) – haven’t played it live this year (maybe on PC once or twice). The drop is marginal. Still like this confrontational game a lot. The main factor attracting me to it is probably the vast number of possible combinations of races and powers.

4. Tokaido (-1) – dropped a bit, again haven’t had a chance to play it, although this drop is mostly because of other changes on the list. Still a very good, calm, almost meditative game, but still with a possibility to challenge other players.

3. 7 Wonders (+4) – can’t really explain this sudden jump, other than keeping in mind expansions it feels that this game still has a lot to offer.

2. Thunderstone (-1) – it happened 🙂 Thunderstone has stepped down. Of course, second place is still high and frankly i had a tough time choosing between first and second place. But this time Thunderstone is second. Although this is still the best deck building game for me.

1. Firenze (+4) – another huge jump to the top. I’m playing this game again and again and every time i feel how great it is. Although i like deck building a lot, but this euro game is just too good.

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