Five Years Anniversary

A little bit of history. 5 years ago i was at home for a few months, recovering after a few surgeries. As i was bored i decided to finally put my domain to use (i had it since 2007 and only used for my personal email till then). It was surprisingly easy to use my hoster’s system to install WordPress and start tinkering with design and settings. The overall look hasn’t changed that much since then. Still the same gray and black theme based on Sparkling from Colorlib. As time went i have added a few plugins, removed some, enabled SSL, etc. At first i thought i would mostly post about board games as there is not so much coverage in Lithuania and i was posting some news in Lithuanian for a while. Of course, there was almost nobody reading that and it got too tedious to gather and translate the news. So i have stopped and only posted a few reviews of games or movies sometimes. A few years ago i have started using Office 365 a lot and following the news. And then i decided to start sharing them, again, in Lithuanian, as there are not so many sources here posting about this. And for now this is the main focus of this blog. I also started reposting these news to LinkedIn to drive more attention. Occasionally i will post about some other technology stuff, recently started posting reviews of books i am reading. It is not like this is still fresh and exciting to do that, but i’m persistent and i still kind of like it, like seeing stats and what gets more visits. And i just don’t want to stop and let this blog go into oblivion. Maybe at some point i will come up with something interesting and catchy. Probably not 🙂

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