Office 365 Bits – Sausio 30, 2019 [LT]

Nusprendžiau pasidalinti karts nuo karto įdomesnėmis Microsoft/Office 365 naujienomis:

Introducing the new Microsoft 365 security center and Microsoft 365 compliance center
Paskutinės Ignite konferencijos metu pristatytas Microsoft/Office 365 admin centro naujas dizainas ir funkcionalumas pradeda keliauti į tenantus. O prasidės viskas nuo naujų ir atskirų Security ir Compliance centrų. Kadangi organizacijose saugumu ir atitiktimi paprastai užsiima visai skirtingi žmonės, todėl nuspręsta šiuos dalykus išskirti. Nauji centrai pradedami diegi jau dabar, o visus klientus pasieks iki kovo galo.

Azure AD makes sharing and collaboration seamless for any user with any account
Nors OneDrive dar prieš tai pristatė galimybę bendrinti turinį naudojant prisijungimą su laikinu kodu, bet dabar bendrai Azure AD svečiai (“guest user”) galės prisijungti neturint Microsoft ar Azure AD paskyros naudojant OTP (“one time password”), kuris galios 24 val. ir bus siunčiamas į pašto dėžutę. Tokiems vartotojams bus galima taikyti tas pačias Conditional Access ir MFA politikas.

Save your files to the cloud more easily
Tiems, kas plačiai naudoja Office 365 paslaugas ir talpyklas (OneDrive, SPO), tai gera naujiena. Bet dar intensyviai naudojantiems vietines talpyklas gal ir ne tiek (teks mokyti ir raminti vartotojus, vienu žingsniu pailgės dokumento saugojimo procesas). Dokumento saugojimo metu bus iškart siūloma jį saugoti debesies talpyklose. Read More

Office 365 – Win32 aplikacijų platinimas su Intune [LT]

Intune kaip dalis EMS (Enterprise Mobility + Security) paketo dalis leidžia valdyti mobilias darbo vietas (ne tik išmanius telefonus, bet ir Windows 10), taikyti saugumo politikas ir pan. Taip pat šis servisas leidžia centralizuotai platinti LOB (Line of Business) aplikacijas ir programas iš Windows Store. Neseniai paskelbta ir apie galimybę tokiu būdu diegti Windows 10 kompiuteriuose ir įprastas Win32 aplikacijas (exe, msi, msp). Kol kas ši funkcija “preview” stadijoje. Susipažinti artimiau galima perskaičius blog’o įrašą arba pažiūrėjus Ignite sesiją šia tema (kur yra gyvai rodomi demo)

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Office 365 – ar kada nors pavyks atsisakyt seno TLS? [LT]

2018 metų pradžioje Microsoft paskelbė, kad nuo kovo pabaigos prie Office 365 paslaugų bus galima prisijungti tik naudojant TLS 1.2 šifravimo protokolo versiją. Senesni variantai (TLS 1.0/1.1, jau nekalbant apie dar senesnes SSL versijas) nebus praleidžiami. Tai reiškė, kad visos klientinės programos (Outlook, Office programos, naršyklės prisijungiančios prie Office 365 paslaugų ir t.t.) turėtų palaikyt naujausią TLS versiją. Tai lyg ir neturėtų paveikti servisų tarpusavyje ryšio (pvz. pašto serverių, pristatančių laiškus į Exchange Oline dėžutes, susijungimo). Nors nebuvo visiško aiškumo, ką tai galėtų paveikti. Ar tarkim organizacijos viduje esantis SMTP serveris siunčiantis laiškus į Exchange Online turėtų naudoti TLS 1.2 ar ne? Ar naudojant Windows 7 reikėtų kažką daryti ar visgi naujausia Office versija ir Internet Explorer 11 yra pakankama (nes jos jau palaiko TLS 1.2 ir veikia su juo, nors Windows 7 ir neturi TLS 1.2 palaikymo savyje standartiškai)? Vėliau TLS 1.2 reikalavimo įsigaliojimas buvo pastumtas į spalį, kadangi daug klientų nespėtų pasiruošti šiam pokyčiui, atnaujinti sistemų ir pan. Bet situacija nepasikeitė ir artėjant spalio 31 dienai ir galiausiai Microsoft pasidavė ir nusprendė, kad klientai vis dar galės jungtis su senu TLS, bet senos versijos tiesiog bus nepalaikomos. O tai reiškia, kad nebus taisomos klaidos susijusios su TLS 1.0/1.1 arba nebus teikiamas palaikymas, kai problemos kyla dėl šių TLS versijų naudojimo. Ši situacija parodo, kaip sudėtinga pasauliui judėti į priekį saugumo prasme, kai tiek visokių sistemų naudoja pasenusias technologijas, bet kompanijos arba neturi lėšų arba laiko ir noro jas atnaujint ir tokios modernios kompanijos kaip Microsoft ar Google turi su tuo taikytis nenorint prarasti klientų pasitikėjimo. Aišku, problema ne tik klientuose. Patys MS nesugebėjo laiku atnaujinti savo Surface Hub ir Skype Room System sistemų, kad jos palaikytų TLS 1.2 ir atitinkamus atnaujinimus žada tik 2018 metų pirmoje pusėje. Taigi nesusikalbėjimo yra ir Microsoft viduje. Tokios atomazgos tiesą sakant tikėjausi stebint forumus, nepatenkintus klientus, informacijos neturinčius partnerius. Panašu, kad TLS 1.2 reikalavimas galbūt bus kada nors įjungtas, galbūt kai naujausia TLS versija jau bus 18.8 ar pan. 🙂

Office 365 – The case of an incomplete chain [EN]

We have migrated to Office 365 and Exchange Online a while ago. It was working fine on our mobile phones (email, Skype for Business, etc.). But a few months ago we had to update SSL certificate on our website, which is the same domain name we use for our email. Its DNS also hosts a few Office 365 related records. And after updating certificate to a new one problems started appearing on mobile. Already setup clients were fine. But adding fresh Exchange account on a new phone resulted in weird SSL errors. Sometimes it somehow magically worked, but most of the time it was showing a warning for less than a second and then an error. That’s on Android. iOS simply showed an error that it can’t check the cert and that’s it. Skype for Business was also showing a warning, but at least there was a checkbox to accept it anyway. I was puzzled as website was working fine in browsers, no complains about it being not trusted. OWA and Outlook on PC also worked fine. This time we have purchased a wildcard certificate, so i thought maybe this is related. Lastly i had an idea, that maybe our certificate is new and phones don’t have some intermediate certificate to be able to check it. Although updating phones to latest updates didn’t help. I was going to file a support request with Microsoft. Until..

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Office 365 – Skype for Business can’t work without Password sync [EN]

As Azure AD Connect version 1.1.647.0 has been released recently, it was mentioned in the release notes, that before that version it was erroneously leaving Password synchronization enabled in Configure synchronization options window, if admin had enabled Passthrough autenthication in Change user sign in window. PTA (Passthrough authentication) means, that instead of regularly syncing hashes of passwords hashes from your local AD to Azure AD for your users able to authenticate to Office 365 apps and services, upon a user trying to authenticate, it would instead send a request to AD Connect, which will query your local AD and compare the hashes. So, in that case no passwords (or hashes of hashes of passwords as MS advertises) are stored outside of your network in the cloud. This lets you avoid complex setup of ADFS and have same functionality with a simple AD Connect service. In theory..

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Share Workbook and Tracking changes removed from Excel [EN]

That’s not exactly my usual tip article for Office 365, but i thought i should still share this information. In July Office 365 client (MS Office suite) in the Current Channel has been updated. They have added a realtime collaboration feature (as well as AutoSave) to Excel application. This made possible to work with Excel document the same way as it was possible in Word before. Although a number of conditions must apply. First the file should be stored in OneDrive or SharePoint Online. And you also has to access it via a browser and then select to edit it in MS Excel. Opening a file from your OneDrive folder on your PC doesn’t activate those features. That’s all cool and dandy (although while trying it in Word we have found that it often doesn’t work that well). But this also gave the reason for MS to remove older features like Share Workbook and Tracking changes from the Office Ribbon in Excel. These features allowed to get a somewhat similar (although not realtime) results, but when files are stored on a Windows share or sent via email. In our company we are still heavily using Share Workbook feature, so it was an annoying thing to find out. Fortunately MS wasn’t dumb enough to completely remove them. One can still find these buttons in File > Options > Customize Ribbon > All Commands and add them to a custom tools group (you can create that group in the same place these buttons were before). The buttons have “(Legacy)” label attached to them. So this explains MS’s thinking to retire these features in favor of the new ones, which encourage to use their cloud services even more.

Office 365 – Skype for Business not so “Smart Contact” [EN]

After using XMPP (“Jabber”) for 15+ years it is sometimes hard to wrap around some principles Microsoft communication tools work. We were used to have full control of our users contact lists. This meant every user had a list of groups with contacts (we usually had all the employees there divided into departments). When someone would leave the company, switch departments, change the name, we (admins) would change that and it would automatically appear for everyone. Now, with Skype you don’t have that. The idea is you should know better who you need to have on your contacts and you should search and add them yourself. I can see some sense in that. You probably don’t need every coworker there, but users are lazy, new employees wouldn’t know whom to add, etc. There could be an option to do one way or another. But there is none.

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Office 365 – Changing last name of a user [EN]

User’s last name change was never a trivial change for us. There are so many places and systems, that have to be updates. Some require to change the name, some even require to create a new user and delete old one. With the on-premises Exchange we were used to just rename the user in AD (leaving its username (pre-Win2000 UPN) the same) and then create new mail alias and make it primary. Recently i had to do this for a synced Exchange Online user and that was “fun”. For the most part it worked fine. But i’m already developing a habit, that sometimes with MS cloud services you just have to wait for things to start working. Say you just setup new OneDrive user and try to share a file. It doesn’t send sharing notification emails? Try next day. It should work then.. Read More

Office 365 – Creating mailboxes [EN]

I have read some pretty recent article, that you almost must still have an on-premises Exchange installation to manage mailboxes in Exchange Online after you have migrated to Office 365. I have also heard that in order to have a new shared mailbox, you have to first create a regular one and then convert it. Well, some of these things might worked this way in the past and some might be just a matter of convenience. But everything is much simpler now. Although, we are still in the Hybrid mode and some things might change once we finally get rid of our on-premises Exchange.

To create a shared or room mailbox you just do that – go to EAC (Exchange admin center in Office 365 portal), go to shared or resources and create a shared mailbox (assign an address and permissions for users who will use this shared mailbox) or a room. When saving new shared mailbox it shows me a warning that it failed to replicate it. But it actually creates it and you can open it via OWA pretty soon. It took 15-20 minutes for it to actually appear in Outlook of a user having permissions to it. Same goes for the rooms. It takes some time. Longer than with on-premises Exchange, but it eventually appears in Outlook. Read More

Office 365 – Deleting users with the same UPN and Display Name [EN]

Hello visitor. Can you leave a comment and tell me what you were looking for? This article gets so much traffic and probably is not what you were looking for. I wonder what that is.

This is not a usual issue and in my case happened only once during some experimentation. But it still can happen. We have our AD objects synchronized into Azure AD via Azure AD Connect service. When you delete a user in your local AD, after a synchronization it is moved into Deleted users container in Azure AD (Admin center > Users > Deleted users). You can even restore a user via graphical interface in Office 365 admin center. Though i haven’t tried this, as this might not play well with our setup. But you can’t delete users from Deleted users in there. They will disappear after a 30 days period. If you still need to remove a deleted user right away, there is a PowerShell command for that. To do this you have to install Azure AD PowerShell Module, which i have mentioned here.

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